Why you should travel solo

Why you should travel solo

Three words as to why we should travel solo….Mind, Body and Soul. We need to clear our minds, relax our bodies and cleanse our soul.

My first solo trip was to South Africa. I went there to visit friends that I had met on the ships but also because I needed to find myself. I had just turned 32 and came back to land life to “settle down”. No, not get married, but I thought it was time to maybe start thinking about that stuff. Did I find what I was looking for, yes and no. No I hadn’t figured out if marriage and kids were right for me but I did find the restart button.

Read: My South Africa Adventure

It wasn’t until my solo trip to Thailand that I figured a lot of things about myself. I have suffered from anxiety since my late teens and I had a big attack in Thailand on my second day. However by the end of the trip I was so clear headed because I took the time after the spiral to do these three things.

Read : Anxiety and travel

Clearing our minds

Clearing my mind

When we travel with friends we tend to bring what’s going on back home with us on the journey. However when you travel alone you tend to forget what is happening back there and you look at what is in front of you. You have the time to stop and just see what is in front of you.

It is not to say that we don’t think about what is going on in our lives but now you have a chance to sort through it on your own. This is the time to bring out your journal and write it all down. The best way to clear your head is through a pen. Don’t just write about the things that are troubling you, also write about the amazing things you are seeing, feeling and hearing.

Relax your body

Relax your body

The best way to relax your body, massage. Take that spa day you know you deserve. The best thing I did in Thailand was to get a massage on the beach. I don’t treat myself to spa days back home but after this I know I need to.

Read: My adventure in Thailand

That feeling of all the tension and stress being released was amazing. The sea breeze was refreshing and the view of the water was mentally stimulating. Most of all, the smell. I had no idea the effects of aroma therapy had on the mind. That the smells of coconut and I think it was rosemary could be so relaxing.

Cleanse your soul


Not everyone is religious and you don’t have to be. I do believe we have a soul and a good cleanse once in a while is needed. So what I do might be different then someone else and maybe it is something you do differently. However with that being said, I try to free myself of all that negativity that is in my life.

Meditation is a great way or you can try this. Music, not the normal stuff you listen to, but for me the sounds of the ocean with a soft melody. If you love animals or the forest there are sounds for that. While this is playing release all that bad energy and take in the good around you. You can do this in your hotel room or a private spot. I prefer the beach myself the natural sounds of the waves make it so much more relaxing.

More reasons to do it solo

Not always alone

New People

Just because you have ventured off solo doesn’t mean you have to be alone. I actually encourage you to meet new people. You will most likely meet someone on a tour or at your hotel, maybe you will meet them in a cab. Either way, you are in the same place at the same time and you already have something in common, you are both at an incredible destination.

I have had the honor meeting some of the most amazing people, each one of them bringing something special into my life. You may never see them again but you will always remember that person who changed you in such a short period of time.



And lastly, time. We say time flies when we are having fun and that is true, but it also flies because we are always jumping to the next thing. We are looking forward to our break at work, or the weekend or for winter to go away. We are always pushing time forward and not taking in the now.

This is where traveling alone is the best time to do that, slow it down. This is where you need to stop and smell the flowers. Sit and take in the life moving around you. You are here, present, and no one is saying lets move on.

Take the time to do what makes you happy, spend a day with elephants, walk along the beach, go to an museum and take it all in at your pace. This is your time, you do you, and let it shine!

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