Anxiety and Travel

Travel Anxiety
When it comes to Anxiety you are not Alone

The Break Down

Anxiety is not easy, travel anxiety is much harder. There is truly nothing worse, losing control of your body and mind. Not knowing what is going on or how to control your emotions. Being in a foreign country on top of that will make it feel a thousand times worse.

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All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. These are my own personal ways of dealing with anxiety.

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My first attack

My first anxiety attack was when I was 18. That awful feeling of not knowing where I was and how I got there. The walls around you caving in. It just plain sucks! I didn’t know at the time what was going on, I thought I was having a mental breakdown. I had 3 big ones after that, it wasn’t until my mid twenties that I was diagnosed.

During my first time on ships, I was in my cabin alone watching a movie. At this point I still had no idea what was going on with my body. This turned out to be my second big attack .As I was lying there I had this horrible feeling come over me. I couldn’t figure out where I was, why I was in this cabin. It lasted for about 45 minutes before my roommate came in. I was lucky that this women had a calming nature about her and I was able to relax. I never told anyone at the time that it happened because I didn’t think they would understand and maybe think I was going ship crazy.

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Getting Diagnosed

Finally I could understand what was going on. It was no relief as I still didn’t know what it meant and how I could deal with it. Everyone is different. Our experiences are not always the same. So after many years of research and great people around me I was able to find my ways to cope.

Love Yourself


Love Yourself

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Anxiety Abroad

I have had a major attack with every vacation. Travelling alone was the hardest but still I was able to overcome with help. While travelling to South Africa I was injured surfing which put me on crutches. By the end of my 16 day vacation I was exhausted and the second last night I had a biggie. While out with friends, it started. The only saving grace I had with this was that this was someone I knew for years from the ships. After a few trips to the bathroom and my breathing techniques I was able to continue.

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How I Deal

Now like I said before, I am no doctor and this is how I am able to overcome the slingshot of emotions.

If you are travelling with and friend or a group. DO NOT BE SHY OR ASHAMED. Tell them what you go through. Now a days so many people are suffering with it, they will understand. Explain to them the signs you get when you are having one and how you cope. Some people, such as myself, do not like to be touched. However I need to touch something. This way they can help you through it.

My 5 things.

  • Sit down. It is easier for me to get control of my mind if my body is relaxed
  • Focus on a smell. I will focus on my body lotion on my arms
  • Visual. Looking at something and not losing sight of it.
  • Touch. Finding something to feel between my fingers. A ring or my clothing
  • Breathing. My attacks take my hearing first. Which when it comes to breathing this helps me the most as I can focus on my own breaths

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When Traveling Alone

This one is much harder to overcome. Having someone there is an added comfort, but this time you are going at it alone. I still follow my 5 steps. This time I remove myself from the situation I am in. Find a quiet place and focus. I also always have my phone on me and once I get control I will call a friend. Having that one person back home that you trust, a friend or family member, is the world of difference. I have 3 people that I know I can call no matter what hour of the day or night and they will center me. Sometimes just having that piece of home is enough.

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Not Stopping Me

The one thing I have said is no matter what happens in my life anxiety will not control me. Some people have to medicate and I am all for it. I do not, but friends of mine do and I support them. I’m sure I have said many times I wish I had that pill that calms me down right away but I am a stubborn mule. I have to have that control and I know other people like me that have founds ways. Like I said before, we all deal with it differently, and you too can find a way. Do not let it stop you from travelling. If you don’t think you can do it alone find a special friend to go with you. Maybe that journey will give you peace. Maybe you will discover a new way to help you through it. Stay strong, take care of your health and know you are not alone. Namaste



Finding a way to let go

Coping with Travel

Inspiring Reads

Aside from seeing a therapist or social worker. Here is some good books that may help you. I have found, with the recommendation of my doctors, this book is a great start.

Mind Over Mood

Disclosure: Please note that the links below are affiliate links, and at no extra cost to you, I earn a small commission if you make a purchase. It is just a small way you can help the wanderingtravelerblog bloom.

Mind over Mood Taking care of yourself and understanding anxiety are the first things you need to do to start the healing process. This is not something that is just going to go away. Finding what is your trigger and ways to cope are necessary steps.  

Here is a link to get yourself a copy