Amazing Time Surfing in Jaco Beach, Costa Rica


So after a very long night of driving and an accident, we skipped Monteverde and drove straight to Jaco. Our air bnb was not available till the next day so we stayed at a not so nice hotel. At this point I was so tired and my feet were so swollen I didn’t care where we stayed. Just a word to the wise. If you rent a car make sure you take a lot of breaks for your ankles will become kankles like mine.

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Read Why you should travel solo, at least once.

Police reports and a New place.


What’s a vacation without having to do an accident report. After crashing the car I had to call my insurance company to let them know what happened. I went to the tourist reporting station in Jaco. They called the rental company, and after dealing with them(the rental) at the beginning of this trip I was stressed. The police were great although I would have thought being a tourist officer his English would have been a little better but with my very broken Spanglish and his very broken Spanglish we got through it. Now time to settle into our new place.

I loved this place. About 15 min outside of Jaco we stayed at a very cute cottage. The hosts were amazing and made us feel right at home. He gave us a rundown of the area and even told us which surfing place to use. We were able to use the pool next door and had beachfront property. This area a few years ago was known for drugs, in that this is where the bags would wash to shore. With the city firing all the police and bringing in farmers to patrol they were able to clean it up. This area is now a great place for anyone to go to.

Bonfires and the Police again.

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So it turns out beach bonfires are not aloud, who knew lol. As we got ourselves relaxed with some great sunset views, we built a little fire. Turns out we shouldn’t have. But as the great and cute Canadians we are we were able to talk our way out of a ticket. The police here are really nice and and they allowed us to have it as long as it stayed small. As Northern Canadians this was tough but we did it.

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Time to Surf

Thanks to our host we were set up with Surf Factory. Andres was a great instructor and although he lost my camera, you are forgiven. They also have a photographer and she is great. The beach was amazing and we had a blast, the waves were perfect. This was my fifth time surfing. Suz and I had been before and the other girls hadn’t so we went our separate ways. Every wave that came my way I was up. This is a beginners paradise. Look them up and if you find a blue canon camera, it might be mine.

Read: Top surfing places for beginners

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Off to San Jose and Parting Ways

Well I am off to San Jose to head home alone. The girls are staying a couple more days, turns out I wasn’t going home that day. Check out my San Jose to see why.

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