Grown Up Experience at Universal Studios in Orlando Florida USA

Off for another girls weekend. We have done, beach, ballgame and history now it was time to be a kid. There is no better place to do this, Universal Studios! When I was 12 my mom took us here for Christmas, I loved the E.T. ride and before I booked the trip I called to make sure they still had it. To my surprise they did, why would they take that ride out it is the best. So off for two days of relaxation and feeling young at heart.

The Points Hotel and Suites
Poolside The Points Hotel and Suites

Jodi got us this hotel for a great deal. The Points Hotel and Suites. It is a great place close to Universal Studios, it has a nice pool with bar and restaurant. The have a tours desk and can get you tickets for attractions for the same price as what you would pay at the door. Also if you find it cheaper online they price match. The morning buffet and also very good. So we relaxed here for the day poolside and got ourselves ready for a day of fun.

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Never too Old to Feel Young

Off to Universal Studios. Jodi knew how excited I was to go on the E.T. ride so that was our first stop. It was open yet so we went to The Simpsons ride. Ok I will admit I was not expecting it to be so much fun but it was. I am not a fan of big rides so this was scary but I didn’t feel like my life was going to end ha ha ha. So I should say that the park was empty that day. This was early January so maybe that is why but it was perfect. We never waited longer than 15 min to get on any ride.

Up next my little girl dreams come back to reality. Time for E.T.

It had changed from when I was a little girl but it was still the best ride there. I was so excited to hear E.T. say my name at the end. Going through his home land was just like I remembered and it was worth both times we went on it.

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The Men in Black

This was my second favorite ride. You get on the ride which moves around a city theme while using a laser gun to shoot aliens. Watch out for the slippery spots as the ride spins. Give it a try!

Check out the men in red and white with our trip to Boston

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I Thought it was a Simulation Ride

Universal Studios
I thought this was a Simulation Ride…I was so wrong

So I was not prepared for The Mummy. I thought it was a simulation ride, I was wrong. The smile in the picture did not last. I am also certain the lady in front of me will be traumatized the rest of her life, I am sorry ma’am. So I got on with high hopes, then the wall in front drops, and so does my stomach. Off like a rocket we went, twisting and turning, forwards and backwards. I lost my voice. I think if I were to go on it again I would still be scared but not as bad. Great ride for those of you into that sort of thing.

Disappointment and Big Screams

So Jodi was really looking forward to the Fast and Furious, aghh, it was not good. Listen, for those of you who like it I am sorry. Yes the walk to the ride through the line was great but the ride itself, thumbs down. Sorry Vin, you are still hot but your ride is not. So to make up for Jodi’s sadness I told her I would go on the roller coaster. I only had one regret, my song choice. So once you are seated on this ride you get to pick a song. I choose the devil went down to Georgia, I do like me some country. However, if you are not a fan of heights, please do not pick this song. I wish I bought the picture but very happy it will never make its way to the internet.

It was Worth it

Yes it is not cheap to go here. But it is worth it if it is no busy. If we had to stand in long lines I would say no. Getting to go on the rides 2 or 3 times was a blast. The was such a great weekend. Relaxation and fun in the park and my E.T. teddy that I got, all worth it!

Universal Studios
Hope to see you in another 10 years E.T.
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