Things to do in Bonaire

Bonaire blog

Where is Bonaire

Bonaire is part of the ABC islands, including Aruba and Curacao in the Caribbean. This stunning island is a haven for scuba divers and we will get to more of that later. Today we are going to explore the things to do in Bonaire.

Bonaire is part of the Netherlands and the languages spoken here are Dutch, Papiamentu and English.

Top things to do in Bonaire

I’m just going to get right to it. I will do a future post on everything you need to know before you visit Bonaire. Bonaire is a small island, 38.6 kilometers (24.0 mi) long from north to south, and ranges from 5–8 km (3–5 mi) wide from east to west. So the first thing you want to do is rent a car.

A scenic drive around Bonaire


So before we even begin, you should plan to get a 4×4 vehicle if you are wanting to visit the north end of the island. There are 4 main roads here but anything off them is dirt. One of the best things to do around Bonaire is scenic drive. There is so much this tiny island offers in scenery. So lets start with the south/west. First, the one thing that attracts a lot of visitors is the salt pans. This vibrant pink plain on one side of the road and crystal blue ocean waters on the other. Even on a cloudy day it is not hard to miss.

salt pans

History always has it dark moments and Bonaire was also part of that. Next thing to do in Bonaire is to take a moment and step back in time. Next up, the slave huts. And I have to be honest I didn’t spend a lot of time at either locations. I love history but this was a lot to absorb. I couldn’t for a moment imagine what it was like sleeping in here, knowing how hot this island was all year round. During the 1850’s slaves were here to work the salt pans. This is where they kept their personal belongings and laid there heads after a long days work. It was also a place of punishment for those who broke rules. Just, heartbreaking.


Here is where it didn’t work out for us. Unfortunately, the road was closed after the yellow slave huts, I could only guess it was due to the heavy rain days prior. But just further south you will find a lighthouse and and old bridge. If you are here and the road is open I would suggest visiting.

There are a lot of beaches along the west side and this is where you will go for a swim or the take your underwater adventure. We will get to the Scuba and snorkeling later on.

Time to head to the south/east side of the island. Now there is a stunning coast line but there is one little bay here where you can relax on a sandy beach or take part in some windsurfing. Sorobon beach is really lovely, but you should know. Even with it being a lightly sheltered area you are on the windward (windy) side of the island, hence the wind surfing.

sorobon beach

If you are an animal lover such as myself you will love this next stop. Who would want to hang out with some jackasses. The donkey sanctuary is such a welcoming center and they do such a great job taking care of the island donkeys. So just a quick history lesson. Donkeys were brought to the island to work the fields. Once technology excelled, well, there was no use for them so they were just released to roam wild. Which doesn’t sound terrible until you see, one, how small the island is. And two, how many there were on the island. So as of right now there are over 1200, which 800 are at the sanctuary. They are brought here when they get injured. This is a great place for them to enjoy retirement.


As you make your way to the north you will drive into the city of Kralendijk. No, I have no idea how to pronounce this ha ha ha. It is such a cute place and there is so many adorable stores you can shop at or do some window shopping. There is a few waterfront restaurants or cafes you can relax at and enjoy a sunset.


Now this is where the road splits and you can drive up the coast on the west side or make your way east. So to the east you will once again be heading to the windward side of the island and this will take you to the first city of Bonaire, Rincon. If you like interesting alcohol there is a cactus distillery here that you can take a tour on.

cactus drink

Now for the next stop. Washington Slagbaai National Park. Now, this is where that 4×4 is a must and once again we were left without seeing it. We had come during rainy season and there was a truck that went in and got stuck in the mud. This truck blocked the road so we were sent to the walking trails. I cannot wait to come back and tour this part of the Island. So if the same happens for you the walking trail is a great way to explore this spot. I will warn you though. You must wear proper shoes and also bring lots of water. Sunscreen is also another must as there is no shade along the trail.


On the east side is where you will find those amazing diving and snorkeling spots so lets get into that.

Scuba and Snorkel

Now this is the main reason come to Bonaire and the top of things to do in Bonaire. The reef system around the island is right off shore. There is no need to rent a boat or take a tour just get yourself the gear and head out. We once again, unfortunately, had not the greatest of weather. It was rainy season but it was also very windy. This made snorkeling for me a bit of a challenge. I do not scuba, yet, but the spots are the same for everyone.


Tops spots that I enjoyed snorkeling

  • Salt pier – was the first place I went to and loved it. I wish it was more calm as I would have stayed longer. There is also a grassy area here, I couldn’t find it though, where you can see turtles but you need to be very early.
  • Klein Island – was so amazing. You start out just a ways up from no name beach, the ferry operator will tell you where to go. Now again it was a windy day making the shore area murky. Swim out a little ways and you will see the wall. This is where I truly fell in love. This amazing sea wall is teaming with fish. You will float your way back to no name beach along the wall. It’s just incredible.
  • 1000 Steps – was by far my favorite, but I think that’s because I seen a couple turtles (which I am obsessed with) and my first octopus. The underwater would here is so amazing. My advice for this spot. Go to the right and make your way up the beach you will get to a set of stairs that are out of use. Go straight out from there.

Beach time

When it comes to things to do in Bonaire, or any vacation, you will think beach. But be warned, there are not many sandy beaches in Bonaire. Actually I think only 4 that I had seen.


With that being said there is nothing a towel or beach chair cannot fix. The beaches here have some of the most amazing views and pictures do not do it justice. If there is wind, just know that the sand will be picked up and can prick ya a little.

So pick anyone of these beaches, No Name (which is on Klein Island), Navi Beach or Sorobon Beach to dig your toes in the sand and enjoy the sun. Just don’t forget your sunscreen and make sure it is reef safe.

Water Sports

Ok, so I will say this. I’m not big into wind surfing or kite surfing, due to the lack of upper body and core strength. But, Bonaire is famous for it. So if you are looking to try it for the first time or work on your technique, Bonaire is your place.


If you are looking to learn this amazing water sport you can head to this spot in the picture above which is on the north/west side of the island or Sorobon Beach.

My thoughts

So I love to end a post with my thoughts of the places I visit. I say it rarely that I would love to visit a place for a second time and Bonaire is on that list. Due to the weather, I missed a lot. I need to go back and check out the National Park. I also really want to go back when the water is not so rough. Snorkeling was not easy and I swallowed a lot of sea water.

With all the being said. Bonaire is an amazing Island and has so much to see. I will get back there again soon *wink wink* until then I leave you with this.

Bonaire is a small Island with amazing people who truly stick to the Island time. They take their time with everything and I can’t tell you how refreshing it is. You need to relax your shoulders and take a deep breath. There is no rushing here. You are going on vacation, put your toes in the sand, eyes to the sky and take in the sea air.